Groups at Bethany are open to all friends of Bethany. If you have a questions or need more information Contact Kymberly at the office.
Parenting Ministry
Connect with other parents and learn tools that will help you guide, teach and parent your child.
Bethany offers Love and Logic parenting classes throughout the year that offer tools and support to you as you parent your child. These classes are for parents of kids of all ages. Watch for details to come about the next Love and Logic class.
Parenting: Navigating Everything is a parenting class designed to equip and empower parents to help kids navigate all aspects of life in the current culture. The class is six weeks long beginning January 15th from 7:00-8:00pm. Childcare is available and space is limited. Enroll today to reserve your spot!
Register Today!
Faith Groups
Engage in conversations about faith with other adults and discover how God’s word applies to your daily life. Bethany offers the following faith groups:
Men’s Groups
The following groups meet at the church at these times:Monday Evening Bible Study | 6:30-8 pm | meet weekly
Thursday Evening - 33 The Series | 6:30-8pm | meet weekly
Friday Morning Bible Study | 6:30-8 am | meet weeklyTo learn more and get connected to a group contact Kymberly.
Women’s Groups
The following groups meet at the church at these times:Monday Connections Group | 5:45-6:45 pm | meet twice a month
Thursday Bible Study | 9:30-11am | meet weekly from Sept. thru May
To learn more and get connected to a group contact Kymberly. -
Each year, Bible Study Fellowship groups focus on a different book or section of the Bible over 30 weekly sessions. Going chapter by chapter, verse by verse, allows members to better understand the text and gain a more thorough knowledge of, and relationship with, its Author — Almighty God.
Bible Study Fellowship Women's Day Group 2024-2025
Thursdays | 9:30-11 am | September – May | Gathering Place
Beginning September 19, 2024Group members spend time in personal Bible study during the week with questions that prompt deeper thought. Once a week they meet in-person or online for small-group discussion about what they’ve read. They also have access to a teaching that applies the truths of Scripture to daily life along with comprehensive lesson notes on the passage they studied.
Fellowship Groups
Get to know other adults outside of Sunday mornings in a fun and relaxed setting. Bethany offers the following Fellowship Groups:
A large group gathering of Bethany adults connecting in a PUBlic setting
October 22, 2024 | 5-8:30PM
Cellar44 at the Shops of Legacy | 2835 S 170th Plaza #206Adults Night Out! Enjoy a fun evening at this Bethany-sponsored social event. Mingle with friends, neighbors, and coworkers over drinks (available for purchase). Come and go as you please - as it fits your busy schedule!
Upcoming Dates in 2024
November 26 -
Forever Young
This group is for adults (50+) and meets on the third Thursday of each month at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend these fellowship, education, and entertainment events. Feel free to invite someone new to join you. Contact the office to RSVP for Forever Young events.
Currently Scheduled 2024 Dates:
September 19
Recreational Groups
Get your body moving while connecting with people in our community. Bethany offers the following recreational groups:
Men's Basketball
pick-up games for men in high school and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays |
8:30-10:30 pm | Activity Center -
Pickleball - all skill levels welcome, non-competitive, fun for individuals and families. Games
played on Tuesday and Thursdays | 6:30-8:30 pm | Activity Center -
Tai Chi- Spring Session
Starting September 9
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:15-10am in the Fellowship Center
Tai Chi - Moving for Better Balance is a proven intervention that helps to prevent the risk of falling among older adults. There is a beginner and an advanced class for you to chose from. To sign-up contact Kymberly at the church office at (402) 991-2115.
This is a 10 week class and it is FREE to all.Click Here for Tai Chi Videos