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Sunday Worship Celebrations

Where to Watch 9 & 10:30 am Online


We all go through seasons where we think to ourselves I am…tired, I am…hopeful, I am…overwhelmed, I am…discontent, etc.  Jesus knows our desires and his response might surprise you.  In this series we explore the “I am” statements in the book of John, two words that spoke volumes.  Two words that give us profound insight into Jesus’ identity – and shows us how to truly find ours.


July 21st:  I am the Bread of Life  John 6: 35-40 NLT  

July 28th:   I am the Light of the World John 8 

August 4th:  I am the Door  John 10: 1-9   

August 11th: I am the Resurrection  John 11 

August 18th: I am the Good Shepherd  John 10:10-18 

August 25th:  I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  John 14:6  

September 1st: I am the True Vine   John 15:1-8