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As God inspires you to give, know that your generosity fuels His faithfulness throughout all generations.

Online Giving

In just a few steps, you can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring giving using credit/debit cards or ACH.

Make a Plan for 2024

We are inviting everyone to prayerfully consider making a plan for their giving in 2024.

Other Ways to Give

Give By Text

Text BLCELKHORN to 833-259-8459

Easy and secure. Make one-time contributions or set up recurring giving using credit/debit cards or ACH.

In person / mail

Gifts can be made in worship or during our regular office hours at the church or your donation can be mailed to 4200 N 204th St, Elkhorn, NE 68022.  Please make sure you include your name and address on the cash envelope or check so Bethany can provide you a record for tax purposes. Use your giving envelope with giving number preprinted or, if you do not have giving envelopes, they are also provided at the connection center.